Welcome to the RECONNECT TraitBank!

This is a freely accessible online database (TraitBank) with functional traits of selected and invasive species identified in the framework of the RECONNECT project.

The focus is set on benthic invertebrates from Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Greece, and the currently 31 traits and 176 trait categories are chosen to reflect the morphology, life history, and behavior of species within these groups. Trait information per species is provided in text format (original literature source and quote provided) and in a fuzzy coded mode (scores from 0 to 3). Taxon names are synchronized with the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS).

Trait information can be browsed online or downloaded in three different formats:

  1. Data in columns
  2. Darwin Core format
  3. As fuzzy coded trait matrix (for direct import in R or other appropriate software).

Do you have more questions, or want to share trait information? Get in touch: reconnect[at]hcmr.gr

Reference & Terms of Use

In case you want to build your own trait database, a code package to create a web-based trait database including a README file with instructions for installation is provided at figshare (Faulwetter & Degen, 2018).

Any use of data or information from the TraitBank should also cite the original publication describing the building of the trait database (Degen & Faulwetter, 2019).

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